

I once read that the ancient Egyptians were the originators of still life, depicting objects in highly codified mortuary rituals to impel the living into the afterlife with the dead. The subjects I depict are objects that mark our Capitocene. Banal and quotidian objects that will be constitutive of an afterlife: plastic or other objects that become part of human, geologic and marine biology. Take a bubblegum machine selling Black Ops plastic grenades, a prison made mattress. Still lives form a scenario and landscape. And landscape is a noun and verb. ATTENTION: Look at the plastic bag of dog poop throw on the sidewalk. Maybe I am zeroing in on zeroing out.

What objects are death objects without our knowing? What objects compose and decompose our landscape at once? Is war and ecocide taking over everything, everywhere? What is still life?

I have been an artist-educator with Beacon City public school students for Dia: Beacon, an Emerging Writer at the Center for Book Arts in NYC, a Puffin Foundation grantee, and a visiting artist-printmaker at the Franz Masereel Centrum in Belgium.  In 2014 and 2015 I curated the Deep Air interdisciplinary poetry and visual art series at Olana, in Hudson, NY.  You can find some of my poetry here or here. You can find these or additional works of mine for viewing or sale by contacting me here or through Pierogi Flat Files in Brooklyn, here.